Dr Jack Lai

Dr Jack Lai
Services Provided
Care Tailored to You

Medical and Surgical Skin Cancer Treatments
Medical: Fiield cancerisation treatments such as photodynamic therapy, topical skin therapy, cryotherapy, curettage and cautery.
Surgical treatments and excisions: simple elliptical closures plus other complex closures such as flaps and grafts. Out of pocket fees apply with a medicare rebate.
Full Skin Cancer Checks
Whole body skin examinations or spots checks for lesions of concern. Urgent appointments available and costs are between $93-$140. Medicare rebates apply. Diagnostic biopsies are commonly performed at the same appointment.
Skin rash and skin problem consultations
Acne, Psoriasis, Inflammatory Skin Rashes. Costs are between $150-$195 for an appointment and medicare rebates apply. Diagnostic biopsies may be required.
The Dr Jack Lai Approach
Meeting Dr Jack Lai is knowing that you’re in good hands. Using skill and knowledge, he offers a comprehensive set of skin cancer treatments in the Brisbane/Logan area.
Dr Jack Lai is a highly experienced Skin Cancer Practitioner with a special interest in skin cancer medicine and surgery. Dr Lai is an accredited Skin Cancer Doctor and Fellow with the Skin Cancer College of Australasia and the RACGP.
Areas of interest:
Skin cancer surgery
Skin cancer Medicine
Fellow of Skin Cancer College of Australasia
Accredited Doctor Skin Cancer College Australasia
Fellow of Royal Australian College of General Practitioners
Masters of Medicine (Skin Cancer) UQ
AHPRA Medical Registration MED0001605782

Make an appointment
You can find me at my practice at Logan Skin Clinic from Monday to Friday 830-430pm except for all day Wed at Ipswich. Either click on the buttons below to make an appointment or call the practice directly.